When it comes to the rules of the road, for most people it is common sense and maybe even second nature; drive the speed limit, wear your seatbelt, pass on the left, etc. But there are a handful of things they they don't teach you in Driver's Ed that could very well save your life. Take a look at this quick list we've put together:
1. Don't Be Afraid to Brake: Most car owners, young or old, are nervous about pushing their vehicles to their limits, even in emergency situations when an immediate stop is required. The logic behind this is flawed; it is either be careful on your brakes and hope for the best (even though your odds of crashing are increased), or slam on the brakes and greatly reduce your chances of crashing. Your car is designed and tested for these emergency conditions, don't be afraid to jam on the brakes like no tomorrow!
2. Train to Remain Calm: Overcorrection is one of the main causes of accidents on the road. If you find that your car has drifted a bit out of it's lane, remain calm, and gently veer back into your lane. Jerky movements, especially at high speeds, can send a car out of control and be very dangerous for other drivers.
3. Hands Lower on the Wheel: Airbags have come a long way in keeping us safe on the roads. While they are designed to keep us alive, they sometimes have a knack for collateral damage. Driving with your hands high up on the steering wheel (specifically at "12 o'lock", but even 10 and 2!) in the event of an accident can result in the airbag propelling your hand directly into your face. We don't have to explain how dangerous this can be. Studies show that in light of recent airbag technology, it is much safer to have your hands at 9 and 3, or possibly even 8 and 4!
4. Be Prepared to React: You can be the safest driver on the road, but that won't always prevent you from encountering some dangerous drivers out there. Odds are that most motorists will be faced with some sort of traffic accident at some point in their lifetime of driving; whether it be minor or major, train yourself to be ready to handle emergency situations. Stay alert, drive defensively, and know what to do in certain situations (IE. if a car is stopped ahead of you in your lane, press hard on the brakes and carefully guide your vehicle around the stopped car).
Happy driving, everybody!
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